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OSRS Fire Cape Guide (Jad & Waves)

What’s going on guys, my name's Theoatrix and welcome to my Fight Caves guide for OSRS. In this guide, I'll show you how to get your first Fire Cape, including the best tools to use, the waves, and how to defeat Jad.

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Recommended Stats

If it's your first time, an absolute must for the fight caves is having level 43 prayer for all of the protection prayers.

Hypothetically, you could get away with just 40 prayer for protect range and mage, but 43 will protect you from any of the meleers.

Inside, its recommended to use the ranged attack style, although you can get away with using magic and melee, and in this guide ill mostly show ranged strategies.

With ranged, its recommended to have at least 61 to use a rune crossbow although having 75 will be a huge help, allowing you to use the blowpipe.

Gear & Inventory

In terms of weaponry, the blowpipe will be your best weapon for your first fire cape. It deals a lot of damage with at least amethyst darts.

With a blowpipe, I would strongly recommend bringing a crossbow as well to attack monsters from a further distance. It also is extremely useful for luring the healers away from jad.

If you have a bowfa, that can be a good option too, although the blowpipe is about the same dps, and is far cheaper.

If you don’t have a blowpipe or bowfa, your best crossbow is the best option, with diamond enchanted bolts. So in order, it would be the zaryte crossbow, armadyl, dragon, karils and rune crossbow.

The zaryte and armadyl crossbows are both extremely expensive, but the dragon crossbow is cheap and would be the best budget option.

In terms of armour, wearing your highest ranged attack bonus armour is going to be your best bet.

The best at 70 ranged is the new hueycoatl hide armour. Followed by blessed dhide armour. The hueycoatl armour provides improved magic defences and a higher prayer bonus.

If you dont have those, then karils, black dhide or red dhide armour are your best options, unless you can afford armadyl or masori.

In your Inventory, you’ll want to bring at least 10 brews and 12 restores.

You should also bring 2 bastion potions for the range boost, and bringing something to restore your run energy can help with luring monsters into safespots. So you could bring a full stamina potion, or 50 purple sweets.

If you have 75 attack, you can also bring a saradomin godsword to heal off the special attack.

Monsters You’ll Face

There are 7 different monsters in the fight caves, and you face them incrementally, starting with weak monsters, gradually introducing stronger ones.

Starting from wave 1, the fight caves faces you against tz kihs.

These are the bats, and they drain 1 prayer point for every time they hit you, even if they hit a zero.

At wave 3, tz-keks start spawning, and when you defeat these, they split into 2 smaller ones.

If you attack these with melee, they recoil some damage.

On wave 7, the first ranger comes out, known as tok xil.

These have a max hit of 13, and can be fairly accurate if you have low defence.

On wave 15, meleers start spawning, known as yt mejkot.

These can heal themselves and other monsters within the caves. With a max hit of 25, its important to safespot or use protect from melee when fighting these.

On wave 31, the first ket zek spawns, the mager, and these are powerful monsters, also capable of doing high melee damage if youre next to them.

Its vital to use protect from magic whenever these are spawned, since they have a max hit of 54.

Wave 63 is the final boss, tztok jad. It attacks with all 3 attack styles, but will only use ranged or magic if youre out of melee distance.

With a max hit of 97, its key to avoid missing any protection prayers while fighting.

At half 60% hitpoints, jad spawns 4 healers, known as yt hur kot.

During the fight, you have to lure these away from jad, and optionally defeat them.

Useful Tools

The 2 most useful tools for the fight caves are the fight caves spawn predictor runelite plugin, and the colosim inferno simulator, specifically wave 67.

The Fight caves spawn predictor shows you where enemies will spawn on the next wave.

This is incredibly useful to know what protection prayers you need to use, as well as any movements around the caves. This can be found on the runelite plugin hub.

The colosim Inferno simulator, specifically for wave 67, lets you practice jad without having to complete the entire cave.

Its the most interactive way to practice movement, fighting the healers as well as prayer switches on jad. This tool can be found on inferno dot colosim dot com. As always, when using online tools, never input any of your runescape details.. And dont download anything.

There’s a range of other useful tools that might help as well.

The down the crop jad simulator is useful for practicing the prayers for the jad fight.

And the npc indicators runelite plugin, with true tile marker active, lets you more easily visualise safespots and pathing.

Getting There

The easiest way to get to the fight caves is by going to the minigame grouping menu, then select the tzhaar fight pit.

And click the teleport button at the bottom.

But if your minigame teleports are on cooldown, you can use the B L P fairy ring.

Or alternatively, you can use an amulet of glory teleport to karamja, and run into the volcano.

Waves 1-14

Within the caves, there are 3 main areas where you can safespot some of the monsters.

The most common one is italy rock, although the other protrusions around the arena can also be used as safespots.

Upon entering the fight caves, run all the way to the center and be ready to attack the bat as soon as it spawns.

Dont let the bats attack you since they drain prayer every time they attack, so you should stand from a distance and attack, then run away, attack, run away.

Then on wave 3, the first Tz Kek spawns, which splits into 2 smaller ones when you defeat it.

It’s possible to safespot these tz keks, and on italy rock, you can stand on the southern side so they get trapped on the way towards you.

On Wave 7, the first ranger spawns, and you should start praying range at the end of wave 6. So you can fight these rangers from italy rock, while the keks are safespotted.

If youre using a blowpipe, and the ranger is attacking from too far away, you can run all the way east to lure the ranger closer, then run back and defeat it.

Alternatively, this is one instance where using a crossbow can come in handy.

Waves 15-30

At wave 15, the first meleer spawns, and these can also be safespotted on italy rock.

You should aim to kill the ranger first, with protect range active, while safespotting the meleer. Or, kill the meleer first if killing the ranger first is not possible.

If the meleer spawns on your side of italy rock, then run around the rock to lure it into the safespot. While doing this, you should use protect from melee, and try to do it as fast as possible to return to using protect from ranged.

The fight caves spawn predictor runelite plugin is perfect for situations like this - so it will show you when a meleer is going to spawn on your side.

Its important to always prioritize defeating the monsters that are attacking you which you arent using protection prayers for, prioritizing the ones with the highest damage first. You should still be prioritizing defeating the bat to avoid losing prayer points. And in most cases, you can leave the tz keks to last.

Waves 31-51

At wave 31, the fight caves faces you against the magers. These are very powerful, and can damage you a lot if you arent using protect from magic.

ALWAYS start these waves with protect from magic unless you’re certain its safespotted. Also, never go close to the magers since their melee attacks can hit very high.

In scenarios where the mager is out of reach of your blowpipe, using your crossbow can come in handy, although you can also run all the way east to lure them as close as possible.

Waves 52-62

On wave 52, the first ranger will spawn with a mager at the same time.

If there is a ranger attacking you as well, keep protect magic on and kill the ranger as fast as possible. You should also kill the bats asap if theyre attacking you, then prioritize the hardest hitting npcs that youre not praying against.

If you have a high defence level, dont be afraid to run out of the safespot to defeat the ranger as fast as possible, but do always check the fight cave spawn predictor to see if the ranger is going to be safespotted.

On wave 62, you should quickly make sure that your crossbows attack style is set to longrange, to prepare you for luring the healers during jad.

Jad: Wave 63

So wave 63 is the final wave, where tz tok jad appears.

The basics of the fight are switching between protect magic and ranged by looking at jads attack animations, then luring the healers, then defeating jad.

The main reasons why people fail to defeat jad are:

  1. Firstly swapping prayers too quickly. Sometimes the range attack can look like a mage attack, but the game does give you a couple of seconds to swap your prayers, so dont rush it.

  2. Another main reason why people dont defeat jad is the healers. Targeting them while managing your protection prayers can be difficult, so in a moment ill give a thorough explanation on dealing with the healers.

Jads Spawn Area

It’s important to know where jad is going to spawn on your fight caves run. You can see it on the fight caves spawn predictor plugin, or alternatively, wherever the orange mager spawns on wave 62 is where jad will spawn on wave 63.

So as wave 62 comes to an end, you should make your way towards jads spawn point, but dont stand too close or you will get meleed.

Protection Prayers

Before starting your grind for the fire cape, you should definitely try out some jad simulators to get a feel of the protection prayers.

The downthecrop osrs jad simulator is the best way to practice your prayer switches.

It includes the same sounds that jad uses, and features the same animations.

Jads ranged attack is a quick stomp, and the sound is delayed, so its not easy to react solely by sound plays whenever the damage has registered, so it is impossible to react solely by sound.

Jads magic attack happens when it stands on its back legs, and this one plays a recognisable sound instantly.

When fighting jad, there are times where you’ll need to be close to him to tag the healers. In those cases, always avoid running through jad because of melee attacks.

Run around instead, and keep a 2 tile distance. Jad can hit 97 with melee, which is usually going to 1 hit you.

The Healers

When jad reaches 150 hitpoints, or 60% of its health, 4 healers spawn.

The idea is that you need to lure the healers away from jad to stop them from healing, because thats usually the only way to defeat jad.

When the healers come out, you should switch to your crossbow on the longranged attack style until every healer is lured.

The best way to lure the healers is to take it slow and keep 99% of your attention on jad. As soon as you have the correct prayer switch for jads attack, focus on tagging 1 healer in that short time span before jads next attack, then direct your focus straight back to jad.

If you have defence, you can simply tank the healers, but if you have low defence consider killing them.

If your spawn favours it, you can lure the healers into a safespot from jad to defeat them.

I would strongly recommend practicing the healers on a simulator since they are the hardest part of the fight caves.

On the colosim website, you can simulate the entire jad fight, all the way through the healers, and its by far the best tool you can use to learn jad.

One important thing to keep in mind when fighting jad, is if jad heals to full health, and then you kill the healers, the healers will respawn, but only if jad is back to full health.

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