Maxing is something that most players strive to eventually do on their accounts. It is one of the biggest achievements a player can get. Have you ever wondered how long it would take to max while efficiently doing everything in game? This blog will go over every skill and how it is trained efficiently.
Jcw was the first person recorded to complete a max cape speedrun, achieving a time of 791 hours played in game. Using methods even faster than those listed here, he was able to achieve a total time to max faster than the current assumed efficient rates. Currently the fastest recorded max cape speedrun is held by He Box Jonge at a time of 771 hours played in game to max.
Other than skills that are passively trained, the skill that takes the least amount of time to train in order to max is Farming at only 5.62 hours of in game time. The slowest skill on the other hand to train to max is Agility at a staggering 165 hours of in game time in order to achieve level 99.
~895 hours efficient play time to max
Down below are listed all of the skills in game, how many hours each skill takes and what the fastest method for training that skill is. [1]
Skill | Total EHP for 99 | Fastest EHP Method |
165 hours | Floors 1-5 of the hallowed sepulchre for 98.5k xp/hr and 1.65k thieving xp/hr | |
0 (Done passively with slayer) | Passively training through slayer since this will always allow for 0-time xp | |
4.83 hours (9.054mil xp done through firemaking) | 1t. Karambwans for 950k xp/hr | |
12.83 hours | Mahogany benches for 1.05mil xp/hr | |
36.27 hours | Crafting black d'hide bodies for 440k xp/hr | |
18.37 hours (5.576mil xp done through ranged chinning) | Chinning in Kruk's dungeon for 406k xp/hr | |
5.62 hours | Tree runs at 1.9mil xp/hr | |
0 (Trained whilst training other skills) | Training while doing other skills with whatever method | |
29 hours | Firebwan with redwood logs for 505k xp/hr and 353k xp/hr in cooking | |
28.13 hours (9.32mil xp done through hunter) | 2t swordfish for 132k xp/hr | |
30.64 hours | Saradomin brews for 450k xp/hr | |
0 (Done passively with slayer) | Passively done through slayer training | |
51.22 hours | Setting up a drift net while hunting black chinchompas for a combined 255k xp/hr in fishing and hunter. | |
0 (Trained whilst training other skills) | Casting any sort of castable spell while training other skills. Example: magic imbue | |
121.88 hours | 3t4g at the desert quarry for 125k xp/hr | |
6.6 hours (1.14mil xp done from slayer) | Superior dragon bones at chaos altar for 1.8mil xp/hr | |
9.06 hours (2.578mil xp done through slayer) | Chinning in Kruk's dungeon for 1.154mil xp/hr | |
54.76 hours | Lava with runes with 4 runners for 240k xp/hr | |
166.35 hours | Efficient slayer at 99k xp/hr | |
30.14 hours (1.018mil xp done through mining) | Blast furnace gold for 410k xp/hr | |
0 (Done passively with slayer) | Passively training through slayer since this will always allow for 0-time xp | |
60.9 hours | Pyramid plunder for 280k xp/hr | |
62.62 hours | 1.5t teaks for 235k xp/hr |
[1]Â - All rates/methods in the table used above have been sourced from the EHP page found on the WiseOldMan website