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Beginners Farming Guide for OSRS

What’s going on guys! My name is Theoatrix, and today I am presenting a pretty highly requested article on my channel. I originally was going to make a level 1 – 99 Farming Guide. But, since there is actually so much to pack into it, I have decided to break it up into a few different Farming Guides. Today’s article is a Beginners Farming Guide, aimed to get you from level 1 – 35 by doing 3 different methods. But, on top of that, I am literally going to explain every single thing that you need to know about Farming, like items, clients, teleports, and pretty much everything.


From level 1, the best way to get your Farming up very, very quickly, is actually through questing. All of the Quests that you should do are on the screen below, and provided that you do all of these quests, it will actually get you straight to level 35 Farming, and along with that, you will get the Magic Secateurs, which are a vital Farming tool. I have also included the correct order that you should follow to do the quests so that you do not have to train any Farming in between. So, if you can, definitely follow that.

Farming Basics

Now, if you do not enjoy quests, or would rather just farm the traditional way, this Guide is for you. You have to start off Farming allotments – potatoes, to be precise. I am going to get to that in a moment. But, even if you are going to be doing the quests to get to level 35, I would really recommend reading the rest of this article because it has all of the basics for farming, which are really going to help you later on. But, before I get into the Farming stuff, I need to start off with the basics.

Firstly, I am going to talk about the items you need. A no-brainer here is that you need to bring the Seeds that you want to plant. Depending on what type of plant you are farming, you will need a different number of seeds to plant it. For example, some allotments take 3 seeds, herbs take 1 seeds. So, it varies a bit. So, my recommendation is to just carry an excess of seeds with you – so, a lot of them. Now, if you are farming trees or fruit trees, it is a little bit different. You need to buy a Plant Sapling, which are inside plant pots. You can buy these saplings off the Grand Exchange. But, you can also make the sapling with a trowel, a plant pot full of dirt, and the tree seed. Then, you water the tree seed in the plant pot, and it grows into a sapling. Now, on top of the seeds, you will need to bring a few other tools. A Rake is used to remove the weeds from a patch before you plant stuff. A Seed Dibber is needed to plant the seeds in the first place. A Spade is used to actually harvest the final crop. A Watering Can may be useful at low levels. But, they do not actually speed up the growth of crops as you would expect. So, they are not overly needed. Watering a patch keeps it watered for one growth cycle, not the whole growth time. Every plant has about 4 growth cycles – it varies from plant to plant. So, when you water it, one of these growth cycles will not get diseased at all. So, it will be watered for one of them. You will have to go back to that plant and then water it again for the next growth cycle to prevent disease. Compost is really, really, really important at low levels, and also at high levels if you are farming Herbs. But, essentially, Compost lowers the chance of a crop becoming diseased, and it also increases the yield of a crop. Super Compost does the same as Compost. But, it is way more effective. So, at low levels, if you are farming allotments, which is going to be the bulk of this guide, your XP really depends on how many things you harvest. So, if you take a Super Compost, you will get about double the XP out of each patch. Super Compost and Compost can be bought directly from the Grand Exchange. So, if you are not an Ironman, definitely get them no matter what. Your choice of gaming client can actually really change your Farming experience as well. My favourite is the Konduit client, since it has a full list of Farming Timers, and it tells you when patches are fully grown, tells you if they are diseased, or anything like that.

The OSBuddy one does do that too. But, I think it is a Pro Feature. So, you have to pay for it and Konduit is free. If you are not using any clients, so you are just on the regular client, you can use an Amulet of Nature, which you use on a certain patch, and then it tells you their health and growth through an in-game interface. But, the Konduit and OSBuddy interfaces are way simpler, and way easier to understand. The last item that you really, really need, especially at lower levels, is the Magic Secateurs from Fairytale Part 1. These increase your yield of crops from allotments and herbs by 10% - 10% is literally a 10% XP increase almost at lower levels, since you will be farming allotments.

There are also a few quests and teleports from Diaries and things like that that you definitely should get if you want to farm fully efficiently. I am going to list them all on the screen below. I am not going to talk about them because that is really boring and would probably take a few minutes to read them all. You can go through them if you would like to read through this information and be more efficient with your farming.

Time to get into the levelling part of the guide. Now, there are a lot of allotment patches in Runescape. So, it is up to you which ones you find convenient or want to use. Once you have chosen some patches, you also need to grab Seeds obviously. Starting with potatoes at level 1, you can actually pay the gardener to watch your patch, and what that does is it removes all possibility that your patch will become diseased. So, for those that do not know, you can pay gardeners to look after your patches for pretty much every type o patch except for herb and Flower patches.

As payments for the gardener, you can go into your farming Guide by clicking the Farming icon on your skills list, and it tells you what the payment is for each crop. You can take these items to the farmer/ gardener in noted form, and it will prevent the crop from getting diseased. Super Compost also works perfectly fine for all the patches. So, I would definitely recommend using that. But, if you are doing Tree patches, you definitely should pay the gardener because the Tree and Fruit Tree seeds are worth a lot, and you do not want that getting disease. Also, it takes a huge chunk of XP out if they do die.

Traditional Farming Method

Back to potatoes, from level 1, you should just plant as may potato allotments as you can, all across Runescape, and always use Super Compost on them. These potatoes will take 40 minutes to grow, and if you do enough across the map, you will probably get to about level 5 or even 7 up after the first run. Now, on your second run, you should definitely plant Marigolds in every single Flower patch where you are doing allotments because having a fully grown Marigold actually prevents the probability of getting a disease on potatoes, onions and tomatoes. So, they are so helpful until you reach level 20 for sweetcorn.

A really, really useful pointer for farming herbs, allotments, or anything else that uses some kind of harvest, is that you can use the harvest in your inventory – so say I get potatoes and have an inventory full of potatoes – you can use that on the Tool Leprechaun, and he will note them all for you. Then, you can just keep harvesting and them noting them. So, you do not have to go to the bank.

The Leprechaun also holds on to your farming supplies. So, you can give him rakes, spades, dibbers, trowels, secateurs, etc. you can also give him compost to hold onto including super compost. So, it is a pretty good idea to give him plenty of all the items, so in case you forget something while you are farming, you can just talk to him and get it off him, and then give it back to him when you are done. There is a Leprechaun at every single patch in Runescape. But, they all carry the same stuff. So, say I give something to one Leprechaun, every single Leprechaun will have that item for me.

At level 3, you unlock Barley, which is a hop patch, and you should definitely get into farming these at lower levels, since they give pretty good harvesting XP yield. These are the locations for hop patches. Choose ones that suit your allotment runs, and always use super compost. They take about the same time to grow as allotments do. So, the best idea here is to do an allotment and a hop run in the same run about once every hour.

So, on the screen below, I am going to put all of the seeds you should be planting and at what level in terms of allotments and hops. You also unlock Guam Herbs at level 9 Farming. But, seriously, do not bother with these unless you are an Ironman, because Ironman need to train Herblore and that is a really good source of Guam Herbs. But, if you are a regular player, do not bother with these because they get diseased a lot, and they can get pretty annoying. Plus, the XP yields are not even that good.

At level 20 Farming, you unlock sweetcorn, which are really good XP for allotments since you get such a huge harvest out of them. At level 23, you can plant a Scarecrow into the lower patch, and that actually protects your sweetcorn from disease. Then, once you get level 26, you can start farming Limpwurt Roots in the flower patch, because that will give you a lot of XP and really decent money.

In the allotments, keep planting sweetcorn, even though it is not going to be protected from the scarecrow. But, this time, you should pay the farmer 10 Jute Fibers, which is the payment for sweetcorn, for each patch. So, he looks over them and they do not get diseased.

Now, taking a bit of a step back, you can actually farm Oak Trees at level 15 Farming. But, honestly, it is not worth your time since they only give 467 XP per patch, and they take a solid 3 and a half hours to grow. So, you are better off just focusing on other patches until you unlock higher level trees. On that note, you should start farming Apple Trees, which are a type of fruit tree, at level 27. Then, at level 30, you should start farming Willows, which are also pretty decent XP. I am not going to go into detail about Tree runs as I have said. Keep an eye out for the Fruit and Tree run Guides, because that will cover everything you need to know about these.

Simply just follow the guidance on the screen right through until you hit level 35. Then, from there, you can check out my upcoming Expert farming Guide, which will get you all the way from level 35 – 99 Farming. There are a lot of different other patches that you can plant like bushes, mushrooms, cacti, etc. But, in terms of training, the methods that I have shown in this guide are the most efficient and the easiest to do for low level farmers.

Before I finish, there is actually one more method, which is sort of good for XP. But, honestly, you are probably better off just getting into the groove o actual farming instead because this method is not really farming. This is called the Alternative Method. The Gorceress's Garden actually provides pretty decent farming XP for low levels only (at high levels its horrible XP). In the Winter Season room, you can pick the fruit in there to get 30 farming XP per pick. You will get to level 20 in about 1 to 2 hours doing this, while you get pretty decent thieving XP. This requires no thieving level requirement but it does require the Prince Ali Rescue Quest to do the Minigame. This method is really good for Ironmen who don’t have any seeds or lots of teleports! I am not going to go into detail in this article because I might make a separate guide about it. But, really, you should just stick to the guidance with allotments that I have given in this article.

I hope you learned something interesting today or enjoyed. If you did, be sure to leave a like, and make sure to subscribe if you are new. As always, thanks for reading this article, and have a nice day!

Ultimate Tree Running Guide (Best Farming XP):

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