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OSBuddy vs Konduit (Client Overview/Uses)

What’s going on guys! My name is Theoatrix, and today I am going to be explaining the main differences between the two clients Konduit and OSBuddy. I am basically going to come to a conclusion as to which one you should be using in what situation.

Now, regarding the safety of these two clients, Jagex has made a post about unauthorised third party clients, and believe it or not, there is actually no authorised third party clients other than the main Runescape one which is not even a third party.

So, as you can see here, this person asked ‘what are the authorised third party clients’. There are none at this stage.

But, there is a post here where someone is talking about how RuneLoader, OSBuddy and Konduit are considered authorised. But, Mod Mac K says that they are not considered authorised. However, they do not look like bots. So, essentially, you can use these clients without worrying about your account. The only worry is getting hacked. So, there is a slim chance that you will get hacked. I also know that the owner of OSBuddy actually has ties with Jagex. So, I think they show each other their code and that kind of thing. So, OSBuddy may be slightly more trustworthy than Konduit. But, still, they are both pretty safe.

Important Features


Now, getting into their important features, I am basically just going to go through each of the clients, and talk about the different things that are very important to note when you are using them.

Computer Usability

Firstly, with Konduit. Now, a pretty big difference between Konduit and OSBuddy is that OSBuddy uses a lot more memory than Konduit does. It has noticeably more lag and is noticeably more stressful on your computer. So, if you do not have the best computer, Konduit is definitely the way to go.

Defensive Attack Style Option

The main thing I really like about Konduit is the absolute customisability that you have while you are using it. A really sick feature of Konduit, especially if you are a pure, there is an option that you can actually remove the defensive attack style. So, if you see I have removed it here if I click on it.

Customisable Orb

Another thing regarding customisability, you can actually change this orb to any of these, and the main one I really like here is Task, and it tells you how many you have got left on your Slayer Task in this orb. Also, it can tell you how many cannonballs you have left in your cannon.

Tool Tips

Another thing that OSBuddy – I don’t think it has – is when you hover over stuff, it actually has Tool Tips. As you can see, it says bank at the bank booth, and it says inventory, etc. It basically comes up and tells you what you are hovering over.

Customisable Stats

Another really good one is the boosted stats actually come up here and pretty much all of the notifications like drinking potions, absorptions, overloads, they come up here and you can actually set them up.

You can actually configure them and choose what you want to show up and also edit them and move it to wherever you want. I just have it up here because it actually looks really nice here and fits way better than the OSBuddy one, which is in the top left corner.

Customisable Game Frame

Now, you can actually change the game frame in Konduit. You can also do that in OSBuddy, I will show that in a second.

But, you can see here, this is the really, really old game frame, and it basically just updates all of the icons into what they used to be. So, if you are into that, I’m sure you can change. But, I prefer the normal Old School one.

Customisable Chat Colours

Now, another pretty cool feature is that you can actually change the Chat colours.

So, if I want to change maybe the Clan Chat, I can change the colour to, let’s say blue, and if I go to Clan, it starts coming up as blue.

So, you can pretty much customise everything.

Konduit Map

Another feature is the Konduit Map. It is actually a very nice looking map. But, they have actually removed all of the icons that were on it. I am not sure why they do that. But, the map itself looks really, really clean and smooth. So, if you want to get somewhere, it is actually really nice to use.

But, also, you can obviously right click and use the regular Runescape one, which is a little bit different. But, it has all of the icons.

Chat Emojis

Another thing about Konduit is that you can do Emotes or Emojis, and what you have to do is type a colon, and then you type whatever the emoji you want is, and it comes up. I am not really sure what else there is. But, I am sure on the website there is somewhere that tells you all of the emojis. There are actually quite a lot of them, and you can also do them in the Clan Chat and also in messages. They come up just like that.

Agility Click Boxes

Now, another major feature that OSBuddy does not have is the full click boxes for Agility. So, if I click anywhere in this box, it is going to start the course. But, on OSBuddy, it only has a little dot, and that dot is sometimes out of place. So, these click boxes have been perfectly rendered for the entire clicking area, and that really helps with Agility. Whenever I do Agility I always go onto Konduit since it is so much easier to do.

Farming Timers

Another thing that Konduit has that is a little bit better than OSBuddy is the Farming Timers, and it has every single timer. It also shows you the farming game ticks as it goes through the day. Now, the thing about the farming timer is that it tells you what is going on in the patches. It tells you if they are grown, if they are dead, etc. Basically, you can know when you need to go check on your patches.

Switch Chat Option

Now, a couple more feature I am going to show is the switch chat one, and you can actually put your switch chat on the screen, and that is pretty awesome actually if you are a live streamer or watching a stream and you want to look at the chat while you are playing. I haven’t actually set mine up yet. But, once you do set it up, I have seen it on a few streams actually, it comes up and you can move it around wherever you want. So, that is always an awesome feature.

Clue Scrolls

The last thing I want to say is that the Clue Scrolls feature of Konduit is not anywhere near as good as the OSBuddy Clue Scrolls. But, the reason for that is that the OSBuddy one is a paid feature, and every single thing on Konduit is free. The only way that they make money is by donations, which is down here. But, obviously, you do not have to donate. They do not ask you to, and you can do whatever you want.


One really quick last run through, basically all the tabs. This is just the updates, this is every single bit of configuration and in my opinion this is way nicer than the OSBuddy one.

If you go down there is the World selector, there is a home world you can set up here.

There is the hiscores lookup, you can pick what version you want.

Then, we have the experience tracker.

If you click on it, you can actually move it into the game and the stop by this one, and it locks it in place. But, I do not really like it since they are so big.

There is the Grand Exchange, and the thing about the Konduit Grand Exchange is that the prices are way off. I don’t know why they are not linked to the grand Exchange directly like OSBuddy is, but they are a little bit out of date.

You can also do bank value, so when you go into your bank, you can click bank value and it calculates the entire bank value. But, that takes a little while.

Moving down, there is the farming timers which I spoke about earlier,

and then there is the skill calculators. These are really good. They tell you exactly how many of each action you need to do in order to get to a certain level. You can change it to levels up here. That has got pretty much every skill there.

Then, there is a notepad, which I use for Construction, you can use it for whatever you want.

Down here, there are screen markers. I am pretty sure OSBuddy has this as well. But, you can add new markers in. Basically, you can draw a little box where you want to click and then exit. It basically just gives you a little area where you should be clicking.

OSBuddy (Free Plug-ins)

Now I am going to show off OSBuddy, and I actually have OSBuddy Pro. So, I am basically going to show every single feature of OSBuddy.

OpenGL Mode

The main number one good thing about OSBuddy that I really like is this OpenGL option up here. Basically, what that does is that it makes your game have different sprites and very smooth lighting and smoother actions.

But, obviously, it does take a massive toll on your computer. It has way more lag. You can see it is quite a bit smoother, and the lighting looks quite a lot nicer. I am not sure why there is stuff coming through the floor but, anyway. It looks quite a bit nicer, and it just makes the game slightly more enjoyable to play. Something really weird though, is the way you move you head. You tilt it right and then tilt it back. I don’t know, it kind of creeps me out a bit. But, anyway, back to the normal game.

Computer Usability and Interface

As you can already tell, the OSBuddy does use a lot more processing on your computer. I am lagging a bit more than I was when I was on Konduit. But, if you click the settings icon, it comes up with all of the settings.

The first thing I am going to show is the interfaces. You actually have more options here. This is the 2005 interface that is the same as Konduit.

If I go to the 2010 one, it actually has the same icons as 2010.

If I go to fixed mode, I think it works a bit nicer. They are all squares and all of the spells look different, all of the skills look different, and pretty much everything looks just quite a bit nicer than the other way.

Settings Options

Basically, there are 3 options here and you can change general. These are all of the free plug-ins on the left, and the Pro plug-ins come on the right. I have not turned on all of them because some of them just completely overhaul your computer.


One pretty cool thing is that you can actually set up authenticator with OSBuddy and with the Jagex authenticator so it really, really gives more security for your account.

Mouse Keys (Illegal)

It also has mouse keys. I am pretty sure they are not allowed to be used. But, it says offers the same functionality as Windows mouse keys, and Windows mouse keys is actually allowed. But, the thing is that you can actually change the distance, which I am pretty sure is illegal.

Trade Notifier

Another one here is the Trade Notifier. These are all free plug-ins by the way. So, when you get a trade, you will actually get a notification on the bottom right of your screen if you are on Windows, I am not sure how it works on a Mac. Anyway, it gives you a notification if you get a trade or a duel.

OSBuddy (Pro Plug-ins)

Moving on to the Pro plug-ins, you can change the game sprites here, which is what I was doing before, and there is a lot more alerters here.


There are things like the Logout Alerter or the highlight notifier when someone says something important in the chat. There is also a Mining Alerter. So, when you are mining and you stop mining, it actually notifies you. I am pretty sure you can do that with Woodcutting as well.

Twitch Plug-in

Of course, there is a bit of a Twitch plug-in here that you can add, and it shows your Twitch followers on the screen. It does not have the chat, it only has followers and things like that. Widgets

Now, moving along to widgets. There are only 2 Pro ones. So, you get quite a lot of the widgets if you only have the free version. These widgets are the things on the right here, all of these. So, if I turn that off, it is going to remove one of them, and I turn it back on, it comes back.

Going down the list, there is firstly the news and updates in the Runescape community.

Going down, there is Worlds and you can set your favourite worlds down here. If you click on the star it comes up at the bottom.

There is the high scores, which are really nice. If you double click, it comes up with your name, and basically tells you everything about you. It has the virtual levels as well. You can turn them off down here.

Skill XP Tracker

The next thing is the Skill XP Tracker, and it tells you XP per hour here. I have not got it because I have not been on OSBuddy much.

Grand Exchange

The main one here is the Grand Exchange. Let’s say that you type in an item, it comes up with the currently traded price, which is way different to Konduit. It tells you exactly how much it is trading for. The * means it has not been traded in the past few hours, so the price may be a bit off. But, you can see that the ones without are the exact prices that the item is going for in the Grand Exchange. So, that one is very handy.

Loot and Monster Kill Count

Moving along, there is the Loot and Monster Kill Count. This one is really useful, I do not have anything to show unfortunately. It basically it tells you all the monsters you have killed in your current session of OSBuddy. When I was doing the Defenders on my hard-core ironman, I was able to see that I killed 400 Cyclops’s, which is where I got that number from. It also tells you the total loot. It adds it up and adds up the coin amount there, and it also tells you the combined combat that you have had. So, basically, the things that are pretty much everything you have killed with the loot.

Farming Tab

Moving along, there is the farming tab, and this one alright except that it does not have quite as much functionality as the Konduit one. But, it still is very, very useful. It comes up with all the things that you planted. But, sometimes, I have found that it is a little bit inaccurate. It will say something is already finished even though it is not.


Moving down, there is the calculator. There is just a regular calculator here.

Further down, there are the Skill calculators that have a lot more going on instead of the Konduit one. It pretty much has all of the skills.

It also has a combat calculator. So, you can put in your levels and basically work out what level you will need in order to get to what level you want.

Timers and Counters

Moving down, there are timers. Basically, it just timers going up and then there are stopwatches, which go down. This is pretty stupid, because timers should be going down and stopwatches should going up. We have a counter down here so you can basically just count when something happens in game, you just click it and it gives you another number.


Moving down, there is the notepad, and that just has pretty much everything wrapped. So, if I say something, wrapped just means that it goes next line when I have something. But, if I do that, I can scroll all the way right.

Twitch Chat

There is actually the Twitch Chat here. But you need to authenticate it and connect it as I said. But, the thing with the Konduit one is that you can put it on the screen. But, this one is simply just on the side here, which is really good as well.

Cursor Options

You can actually choose your cursor. You can already do that in Konduit, I did not show it before. But, basically, if I click on it, it has the cursor that is the same as the Konduit one. It has a pink one and a small one.

Screen Markers

Over here, you can add screen markers as you can with Konduit. Basically, if you hold Shift, you can resize them and move them around.

Clue Scroll Options

It also has a lot more Clue Scroll settings. So, all of these Clue Scrolls, they have so many more options. It tells you all of the answers to everything, and when you open a Clue Scroll it also comes up with the answer straight away. It tells you all of the items you need, and it is far better than the Konduit one.

Also, with OSBuddy Pro, it completes puzzle boxes for you. It tells you exactly where you need to click. So, if you are having trouble with puzzle boxes, get OSBuddy Pro, and it will save you a lot of time.

Second Farming Timer?

Moving down, there is another farming one for some reason. But, anyway, this is a farming timer one, and I guess this one might be a little bit better than the other farming one. I have only been using the first one. But, I have just realised that this one actually has the current state of crop as well. So, who knows? I will give this one a shot.


The last thing I want to talk about here is the Overlays. The Overlays are basically all of these things that come up on the screen. When you get XP it comes up. With the world map, if you right click here it comes up with OSBuddy World Map, which is actually quite a bit nicer than the other ones. You can change level, and this is very important for raids because you can actually scout dungeons.

Down here, it has the Attack Styles. You can also do the similar thing as Konduit, and it only shows your current attack style, I am not sure how that works.

It has quite a few other options which are so similar to Konduit as well in the free plug-ins. But, if you go to the Pro plug-ins, there are quite a few extra ones. For example, it saves the Barrows Brothers that you have killed, and it keeps them in the game. When you go there, it tells you which ones you killed. The enchantment helper is really helpful. It comes up with a little box as you are enchanting stuff, so that one is really helpful. I am not going to go into any more detail.

Exclamation Mark Level

The last thing I want to do is show these. If you type in exclamation mark level, it shows what levels you currently have. So, if I go over here and type in attack, it will come up with my level 99 attack etc. It also has combat and it tells you all of your combat stats, which is really cool. Then, further along, you can do things like kill count at bosses, and it comes up with your kill count. The kill count only refreshes if you check your Ring of Wealth, which I cannot do because I am a free to play player.


But, anyway, that is pretty much all of the features I wanted to show. But, now to come up with a final conclusion. Konduit is completely free, and having the Konduit client in my opinion is better than having the OSBuddy free client. But, if you are willing to pay for OSBuddy Pro, it does have a couple more superior features such as OpenGL, and a couple of other more interfaces, more settings, etc. But, anyway, it is completely up to you. If you do not want to spend money, definitely use Konduit. If you want to spend money and are happy to spend money for a couple more features such as the Grand Exchange exact pricing, definitely go with OSBuddy Pro. You do not even have to use any of these clients. Feel free to use the regular Runescape client, except that it has not got any of these additional features. But, it still works pretty smoothly and is very trusted.

But, anyways guys, that is all that there is today for this article. I hope you learned something pretty helpful today or enjoyed. If you did, be sure to leave a like, and make sure to subscribe if you are new. As always, thanks for reading this article, and have a nice day!



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