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Skill Overview

Firemaking is a free-to-play skill in which you light logs on fire which players can use for cooking raw food. It is one of the fastest skills to level up in the game.


Useful Items

You will need a tinderbox for lighting the logs. You should have no items equipped to conserve your run energy.

Skill Locations

- South of Varrock
- Grand Exchange

Low Level Methods

Starting out (Levels 1-30)

From levels 1-15 you will start out by chopping normal trees and burning the logs, you can do this pretty much anywhere. At level 15, you will then chop oak trees and burn the logs until level 30, the best spot to do this is south of Varrock. These levels should go by very quickly (less than 15 minutes). You could also just buy the logs from the Grand Exchange.


Medium levels (Levels 30-60)

At level 30, you will move on to burning willow logs (you no longer want to be chopping the logs yourself at this point) until 45 firemaking. At level 45, you will then burn maple logs until level 60.


Medium levels (Levels 30-60)

At level 30, you will move on to burning willow logs (you no longer want to be chopping the logs yourself at this point) until 45 firemaking. At level 45, you will then burn maple logs until level 60.

Fast Training Methods

Burning Yew Logs (60-99)

The fastest way to get 99 firemaking in free-to-play is to burn yew logs. Each log grants 202.5 experience per log, so it will definitely give you a lot of xp/h. However, this method is also quite expensive.


Profitable Methods


Alternative Methods

Burning Maple Logs (45-99)

Burning maple logs is a cheaper alternative for getting 99 firemaking. It is much cheaper than burning yew logs, but also less xp/h. If you're not willing to spend all of your money on yew logs, this is definitely the way to go. Maple logs grant 135 experience per log burned.


Quests for XP

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